
ACADEMIC excellence | LEGAL EmpowerMent | Projects

Who we are?

We are a startup founded in 2024, that provides academic help to the students of classes 9th to 12th, along with improving their talent, skills, and mindset by making them work on real-life projects for these years.

Our Vision

To provide the best eco-system to school students according to world market requirements, so that they can contribute to the innovation of India.

We constantly plan to innovate in these 4 areas for our students –
  • Software
  • Hardware Infrastructure
  • Indian History
  • Student Networking

Classes start in…


Why Us?

We provide a complete education ecosystem for your child so that they can compete with the world standards.

Our courses will help them get a mindset where they can go to any part of the world for college studies instead of just preparing for exams.

Unique Lectures

Lectures based on market needs will be given per month by industry Innovators.

Online + Free Offline

Every Student gets online and free offline classes for doubts | tests | Preps for 3 days per week.

Student networking

Starting in June 2024, students can network with innovators around India based on their skill.

Currently, we serve in Delhi/Noida/Ghaziabad

If you are beyond our area of service and wish to choose us you can opt for online only and we will take care of your child online. If at any point of time you feel unsatisfied, your fees will be refunded without any questions asked.

Invest in yourself and your team

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